ClearPath first came to us looking to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Aside from their company name all their branding was done under the Prudential brand. It was time for ClearPath Advisory Group to develop their iconic brand that would represent the future of their company.

ClearPath Brand
The first step is the logo. From brainstorming sessions with the ClearPath team we developed a logo that symbolizes the clear path ahead for their clients. This logo is clear and easy to apply to many mediums from their website, to clothing to billboards etc.

Working Through the Corporate Approval Process
After their brand was finalized, and we knew how we wanted to showcase their group online it was time to build their website. The website gives their client a true representation of the experience they will receive when working with ClearPath. The site is informative and user friendly. The photos used give the user a feeling of where the members are from, who they are and what their specialties are.

This project presented a unique set of challenges due to the close affiliation between ClearPath Advisory Group and Prudential. As an affiliate of Prudential, ClearPath was subject to the stringent regulations and guidelines imposed by the larger corporate entity. These regulations governed not only the behavior but also the representation of ClearPath, requiring a meticulous approach to every aspect of the project.
Despite the additional layers of scrutiny and approval, we worked with the team at ClearPath worked diligently to navigate through the complexities efficiently. Attention to detail was paramount, and every aspect of the project was carefully reviewed to meet the high standards set by Prudential. This dedication to precision and thoroughness not only ensured compliance but also underscored ClearPath's commitment to upholding the values and expectations of its affiliate.