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Provoking Isaiah Headshot
Isaiah Bogdanov
Skate Board Painting Showcase

Artist Statement

Raised by and around artist like my father Peter I've of course always admired their talent. However after living so long in their shadows. Following their giant foot steps. I realized that Talent isn't what most think it is. Instead of some innate ability I've noticed from watching them that talent is instead the fruit of  passionate labor. Meaning that not only I could be like them, but that in some way we all can!

The Fine art portfolios of Isaiah Bogdanov


Isaiah Painting Mural

Acrylic Painter

Self trained until my apprenticeship I've been painting with acrylics most of my life. Not to mention helping with many of Liquid Walls mural projects.


Skateboard Artist

Putting my talents to use as the primary artist for Bad Petrovich's skateboard line.

Mini Canvas Paintings
Water Color Flash Showcase

Bear's Lanterns

16 x 20 - $400

Crabby Trails

16 x 20 - $300

Phoenix Mantle

16 x 20 - $400

Wall VS Will

20 x 16 - $400

Morning's Greetings

20 x 16 - $300

Eye in the Sky

20 x 16 - $400

Lotus Lights

20 x 16 - $400

Bad Petrovich

Peter Bogdanov

Isaiah Bogdanov

Legend Ink

Skateboard Artist

Both for Bad Petrovich, and for my personal painting I've found skateboards to be a very interesting canvas. From shape to material they've proven themselves commercially, and artistically.


Today I've sold almost every board I've painted. Even better I see myself growing from each one. No matter whether I have to restore the board, or can start fresh. Each one serves as a small step to a journey

I'm all too happy to let others take part in.


If you'd like to see what joining looks like enjoy a look below,

or visit our Bad Petrovich site to take one home for yourself.

Skate Gallery
Bad Petrovich
Isaiah Painting Skateboard
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